
The Disruption Project is dedicated to supporting uprisings, resistance and mass direct action.  Our belief is that when mass numbers of people stand up and take action against the unjust systems of racial capitalism, the heteropatriarchy, white supremacy and settler colonialism, we have the ability to force ruptures and dismantle these systems.  In other countries we have seen uprisings nonviolently topple dictatorships and illegitimate governments.  We know that courage and numbers can take us far, but we also need strategy, discipline, tactical acumen, and division of labor.  With the mix of skills, thoughtfulness, courage and numbers of folks, we have a shot at real systems change.   

Feel free to contribute to this site.  Revolutionary people power gets us to a different society where: everyone has what they need to live and adequate leisure time. We can dismantle the systems that uphold structural racism and win reparations for Black folks, win some sort of repatriation of land to indigenous people, create an open US border and an end to imperialism, and a just transition out of a destructive economy.  We think we are often told to compartmentalize demands, justice for one family, when we need to be looking at the wealthiest and most powerful people, financiers and corporations who profit from this system.  Feel free to reach out at info@disruption-project.org and we’ll be in touch.  Thank you for your courage.  We know if you are reading this, you share our concern and principle that we do not support harm to other human beings in any way.


Finally, a note on the times in which we live.  Some of us are in the streets or doing everything we can to support what is a true citizens rebellion.  Others of us see this as an opportunity to win previously unwinnable victories that diminish the power of the prison and police complex.  While we are inclined to think that emboldened mass action creates bolder mass action which begets a nonviolent overthrow of these systems, we have the utmost respect for those who are trying to win and consolidate structural reforms at this time.  Think about your role and theory of change, but this is no time to be an armchair activist.  Show up, however you can and then some.  And please stay as safe as you can, the destruction of the pandemic is a mirror of the racist society in which we live.